DIY Virtual Pinball Machine
How to build a modern virtual pinball machine on a budget
The Virtual Pinball Machine… A hobby that could have a Netflix documentary written about it. Below we will discuss all of your virtual pinball options and I will explain how I built my 4k 120hz machine on a budget.

How to build a Virtual Pinball Machine and still keep your wife
I may have narrowed my target audience here a bit. If you aren’t married then you could assume that the above means that virtual pinball machines can be expensive. The virtual pinball cabinet is the only thing in the arcade that I obsessed over more than the Secret bookcase door (It’s technically a secret doorway bookcase but I really think that sounds dumb, roll with me on it).
In reality, virtual pinball tables range from $700 to over $10,000. Even do it yourself builds can cost upwards of $5,000. NOT TODAY folks. While I will leave the full DIY build instructions to extremely capable people like Michael J Roberts and TheWayOfTheWrench, I am going to share my process and how I was able to build a fully capable, 4k 120hz blazing fast Virtual pinball machine with real pinball parts and Surround Sound feedback (don’t worry these terms will quickly become staples in your brain). Before I get to that, there is some lengthy and necessary topics to cover for those who decided that they want a virtual pinball machine but have yet to decide how to obtain one.
New YouTube video on Virtual Pinball is live now!
Ultimate 4K Virtual Pinball Guide 2025: Build or Buy?
Hey pinball enthusiasts, Jeremy here from! Welcome to my DIY speakeasy arcade. In this video, we’re diving deep into the world of Virtual Pinball Machines. DIY Virtual Pinball Machines, AtGames and Arcade1up Virtual Pinball Machines, Flat pack kits and more.
This hobby is one of my favorites and the community is bursting at the seams with helpful people and talented creators. I created this video as a labor of love to help steer you in the right direction. There's more to come so Tenderly Tap the Like button and subscribe to stay up to date on this growing segment of our channel!
📽️ Video Chapters:
- 0:00 - Introduction
- 1:34 - What is Virtual Pinball?
- 2:44 - Virtual Pinball: Common Terms
- 2:54 - Surround Sound Feedback (SSF)
- 4:06 - Direct Output Framework (DOF)
- 4:34 - DOF HD vs SD Side by Side Comparison
- 4:44 - Refresh Rate
- 5:06 - Resolution
- 5:30 - CPU / GPU Requirements
- 6:23 - Building vs Buying Overview
- 7:01 - Buying Options: AtGames and Arcade1up
- 7:32 - Buying Options: Cabinet Builders
- 9:23 - Building a Cabinet: Flat Pack Kits and more
- 11:19 - Building a Cabinet: Electronics
- 11:46 - Building a Cabinet: Programming
- 12:10 - Building a Cabinet: Wrap up
- 12:45 - Building a Cabinet: Tips
- 13:42 - Resources
🔗 Useful Links and Resources:
- Visit TheCraftyCatsman: DIY Basement Speakeasy Arcade Bar
- Virtual Pinball Machine Guide: Tips When Deciding to Build or Buy
💸 Pinball Discounts:
- VirtuaPin: VirtuaPin - Paul at VirtuaPin is creating some exciting discounts and new bundle deals just for this release. Stay tuned and we will update this section once the codes go live.
- PinOne Mini Controller: PinOne Mini Controller - Like and subscribe to be the first to know when PinOne's exclusive offer goes live!
- German Gaming Supplies: German Gaming Supplies - for my German friends, Dominkikj
📺 Recommended Channels and Creators:
- Way of the Wrench
- Nailbuster
- Michael J Roberts
- TerryRed (sorry I didn’t mention Future Pinball, I don’t currently use it)
- VPForums
- VPUniverse
🙏 Pinball Table Creators:
VPW (Virtual Pinball Workshop), JP Salas, TerryRed, Rothbauerw, Ninuzzu, Bord, Knorr, Loserman76, 32assassin, Javier, Flupper, UnclePaulie, TastyWasps, Joe Picasso, Apophis, Tomate, Sixtoe, Fleep, nFozzy, Xenonph, Hauntfreaks, ClarkKent, EBisLit, BorgDog, Herweh, Mussinger, Rascal, Solters, Ahr1man, Franck Hollinger, Antonio Ortuno Nicolas
🙏 Special Thanks:
- John Thomsen: VirtuaPin Flat Pack Kit Video
- Joe Marsello: VirtuaPin Cabinet Video
- Emil: For the invaluable insights and for allowing us to feature his content.
- Speedyballs: For showcasing the LED Matrix upgrade.
- ChatGPT: Credit my future AI overlord for some of the pop-ups.
- Zapsplat: For some awesome and free sound effects: Zapsplat
👥 Join the Community:
- Visual Pinball Addicts
- Virtual Pinball and VPin Cab Builders
- Virtual Pinball Custom LED Effects (VPCLE)
- World of Virtual Pinball
🔌💻 Electronics:
How to Build a Modern Virtual Pinball Machine, on a budget.
The Journey…
I spent years and countless hours of deliberation on this virtual pinball machine. The fantastic thing about this hobby is that you can enter at whatever stage you are comfortable. From building the entire virutal pinball machine from scratch to purchasing fully built and assembled virtual pinball cabinets that use real pinball parts.
I will not attempt to explain the build process because that has been done by remarkable people that are more capable than me (google MJR, TheWayOfTheWrench) there are also extensive and extremely helpful forums that very likely have answers to questions that you may have along the way, including troubleshooting.
There are dozens of decisions to make, and deciding which path to walk was one of the most daunting parts of the entire process. In fact, the plethora of information available can be overwhelming and sometimes confusing. This is because the hobby has existed for over a decade and it is regularly changing. Advice from a few years ago may actually cause more harm than good, I have come across many situations where a complicated workaround was explained in great detail but further research showed that some smart person wrote the solution into code and a much simpler solution existed.
The goal of this post is to summarize the years of research that I put into my machine, to provide an overview of the current options for Virtual Pinball Machines along with their pros and cons. Most importantly, I will attempt to outline what I consider to be fundamental needs for a modern machine, as well as my opinion on things that are optional or not necessary.
I hope that this information helps you make an educated decision on what to do with your own machine. Their is no “right way” to build a virtual pinball machine and budgets for the project are often all over the map. I will also pepper in some “clever” ways to cut down on costs, without sacrificing what I feel to be necessities given the recent developments of Virtual Pinball.
How to Build a Modern Virtual Pinball Machine, on a Budget.
Table of Contents
Here at CraftyCatsman HQ we generally dive into lengthy explanations. Unlike my build instructions, you may very well be knee deep into the virtual pinball machine process already. Click any of the cute Dalle-2 digitally created cats below to jump to a specific section.
What is virtual Pinball?
Virtual Pinball explained, as well as a brief explanation of the state of the hobby
Building a Virtual Pinball Machine from Scratch
Don’t be a scaredy cat, come at least check it out!
What are my options?
Let’s break down the three main options, from plywood and cut diagrams to fully assembled big box store retail and everything in between.
Tips and recommendations for all four (4) possible virtual pinball screens
Buying a Virtual Pinball Machine Assembled
The purrrrrveyors of pinball
SSF is ground breaking and highly recommended.
Click to see what we deem necessary verse optional
A great option for tinkerers who don’t have all of the power tools.
2023 is the year of the all in one installer. Click here to see my recommended programs and their links.
How to Build a Modern Virtual Pinball Machine, on a Budget.
Virtual What?
Cool backstory Bobcat, but lets’ dive in
What is a Virtual Pinball Machine?
Virtual Pinball is a digitally simulated version of real pinball. This is not to be confused with pinball games designed for virtual use (anyone remember sonic pinball for Sega?).
Virtual Pinball is traditionally played on a machine that is similar in size and shape to a real pinball machine and the goal is to mimmick the feel of a real pinball machine. The hobby is well developed, and for the right combination of determination, price and patience it is possible to achieve astonishing results.
Virtual Pinball is evolving and two schools of thought appear to stand out. Traditionalists, focused on the accurate replication of real world pinball tables and Modernists, who are looking to push the boundaries of Virtual Pinball – creating new tables and game modes that would not be possible on traditional pinball machines.
Both camps are filled with extremely talented hobbyists who build masterpieces for our enjoyment. The depth of skill and dedication was not fully appreciated until I was able to fire up tables on my own machine, working through the series of programming steps required to get things working. All beautifully laid out by contributors like Terryred, Michael J Roberts and more recently, TheWayOfTheWrench.
Tables are free to download, contributors cannot legally charge you for recreations of existing tables. Frankly, we are all lucky that Pinball manufacturers like Gottlieb, Bally, Williams and Stern allow Virtual Pinball to exist. In the January 2011 issue (#268) of GamePro Magazine Gary Stern was quoted saying “It’s a good educational tool for learning the game, and I’m all for it. I’m for anything that stimulates interest, but it’s not real pinball, it’s something different”. The hobby has come a long way since 2011, and I think it still exists due to the respect that the hobbyists have.
In fact, virtual pinball has created a hobby for my nephew and I that has sprawled from the secret arcade walls. The local pizza shops Metallica Pinball gets a lot more of our dollars as we try to turn our virtual high scores into physical ones.

How to Build a Modern Virtual Pinball Machine, on a Budget.
Virtual Pinball Machine, What are my options?
Click any of the cards below to jump to a more detailed section on the option.
Buy Assembled
Price: $700 – $10,000+
Build with a Kit
Price: $1,100 – $6,100+
Want to build a Virtual Pinball Machine but don’t have the tools to build the cabinet? Flat pack CNC cut kits are a great option for builders who want precision cut parts but lack to tools or know how to cut them.
Parts are shipped flat to save on shipping and assembly effort is minimal.
As you can expect, kits will result in a cheaper overall build cost when compared to a fully assembled virtual pinball machine.
Build from Scratch
Price: $500 – $5,000+
Let’s get it! Building a virtual pinball machine from scratch is a fun and challenging project. It will test multiple skill sets including woodworking, electronics, programming and patience.
As with the Secret Bookcase Door project, Virtual Pinball Cabinets can be built in a series of steps, as long as you have a work area then you can walk away from and attack this build in stages. This will not be a weekend project, expect many weekends and nights of tinkering.
How to Build a Modern Virtual Pinball Machine, on a Budget.
Buying a Virtual Pinball Machine: Assembled
The Assembled world of Virtual Pinball is as diverse as the ethics of the people that sell them. Below we are going to discuss three (3) categoies of retail Virtual Pinball Machines. Click the image (on the first two) to see the systems.
Licesenced to Thrill (kind of)
$500 – $1,000
AtGames and Arcade1Up both sell fully assembled licensed virtual pinball machines. They are packaged with a set number of games. In my research, AtGames is far better than Arcade1Up.
There are plenty of resources dedicated to upgrading these machines but from what I have learned, you need to make a decision as to how much you want to upgrade and your path to doing so. If you plan to slowly upgrade over time then this may be a worthwhile investment. If you want to rapidly upgrade then this may not be the option for you.
To be clear, I gave AtGames an unreasonable amount of obsession. I tested the machine every time that I was in Sam’s Club. There was a three-month period of time where some deal sites claimed that the machines were discounted by 50% or more. I called every store within 3 hours and spoke with managers to try to lock one in, stopping at my local one a do. In the end, this worked to my advantage. I realized that I wanted to build a custom machine to fit my exact needs.
Tip: Sams club regularly discounts pinball machines after Christmas, further discounts occur in the spring.
Cabinet Builders
CNC cut precision – $500 – $7,000+
This is a remarkable space filled with a plethora of options. Cabinet builders like Virtuapin offer options to suit your taste and their standard dimensions allow for easy vinyl customization.
My advice here is to research the seller heavily. I mention Virtuapin a number of times on this page because of my interactions with them. Other sites offer flashy machines but have a poor reputation for customer service that I witnessed first hand.
Tip: Avoid MDF, email the manufacturer and see how responsive they are.

Cabinet Capitalists
Controversial: $500 – $10,000+
The online world of assembled Virtual Pinball Machines is riddled with good natured hobbyists making beautiful machines as well as darker corners of the web where retailers sell fully loaded machines, capitalizing on the years of work that hobbyist programmers put in to make the games. In my research some sellers know full well that they are doing wrong and some do not.
It is easy to stumble on kits like this and be none the wiser, it wasn’t until I dove deep into the programming that I realized that sellers like this are a problem.
The lesson here is that the people that make the virtual pinball games can not sell you those games. The program that runs these games is also free. Therefore, it is a heavy point of contention when an online Virtual Pinball Manufacturer pre-packages their pinball machine with software and games as it then turns this hobby into a for profit business, risking the entire ecosystem.
Popular sites that host developer made games like and make the above message known and broadcast it in bold all over their sites.
This is a necessary section to talk about because it is inevitable that you will come across one. We are currently reviewing sellers of fully assembled Virtual Pinball machines – This section will be updated as soon as we have a list of sellers that are willing to sell their machines without software pre-loaded (trust me, you will thank me for that once you get fully invested in the hobby)
How to Build a Modern Virtual Pinball Machine, on a Budget.
Building a Virtual Pinball Machine with a Kit
A great option for tinkerers who don’t have all of the necessary power tools.
Virtual Pinball Cabinet Kits – Let’s take the woodworking out of this project

Virtual Pinball cabinet building can be broken down into three distinct categories.
The first is the woodbuilding portion. Building a cabinet requires power tools and precise measurements. If you have basic powertools and an ability to follow along then I still recommend that you build, not buy your cabinet frame. People like TheWayOfTheWrench have went through the build process in fascinating detail, so much so that it’s not worth me posting my own DIY build instructions. Check him out on YouTube and watch a few of his videos, it will give you an idea for the level of detail that is required for the project.
Don’t go jumping just yet you click happy cat, I will say that I disagree with his use of a 1080P playfield monitor. While 4k 120hz displays will require a better GPU to run, I was able to snag a used x80j 4k 120hz tv for $200. I will get into that more below. Besides that, study his videos – he is a teacher and it shows. The videos are easy to follow and will really help summarize all of what is out there.
If you watch TheWayOfTheWrench’s videos and decide that building the cabinet frame is not for you, then go for a pre-built kit.
There are plenty of small businesses that will CNC cut your virtual pinball cabinet from plywood for a price but in my research the best option is a widebody flat pack from Virtuapin.
I prefer Virtuapin because their customer service is stellar. Paul (the owner) always answers the phone and is happy to talk through things. He is one of the original people in the space and has a tremendous amount of knowledge to share. Virtuapin also sells cabinet kits that can be useful in your build (buttons, legs, etc…). They also sell “fully trimmed” options that take care of most of the build work for you (you will still need to do all of the electronics).
Woodworking isn’t the only requirement for this build, in fact it only accounts for about half of the work. The electronics and programming side is arguably more arduous than the woodworking. It is one of the main reasons I almost chickened out on the project. I did not feel like I was qualified to do the work required to get the system to work but after watching a lot of the videos from TheWayOfTheWrench I decided that I could follow along and get it done. I encourage you not to shy away from the project for fear of the electronic side….the community has everything you need laid out in very plain and easy to follow instructions. Don’t be that scaredy cat posting every little question on the forums, do some googling and I am confident that you will be able to figure things out.
Ah, the gift that keeps on giving. Downloading software and adding tables is truly the gift that keeps on giving. The community is constantly releasing new and updated tables and functions – if any of you are reading this, thank you for your efforts! The overarching message here is that you will spend time getting the tables that you want to work. The majority of builders agree that this is a right of passage and a true way to get into the mechanics of the table, allowing you to tinker to your hearts desire. For example, after you download a new table you can also choose the media for it (the backglass, wheel art, topper etc). Further, you can edit how the table actually looks (tilt, position, etc…). This level of detail is exactly why I created the acrylic light that I mentioned above. Saying there is a “darker side” to programming is a bit of an overstatement but it should be mentioned. Aside from the wonderful world of tinkering there is some level of maintenance associated with programing. From time to time you will adjust screen positions, your DMD may randomly end up on the wrong screen and you will have to move it to the right place again. These tweaks are minor and average out to about 2-3 minutes of prep before play (some may have streamlined this better, but that’s my average).
How to Build a Modern Virtual Pinball Machine, on a Budget.
Diving All In on a Virtual Pinball Machine Build.
A test of your skillsets with a hugely rewarding payoff.
Virtual Pinball Machine – Build From Scratch
If you are considering this, then you are a risk taker. There is no other reason to be on this page of TheCraftyCatsman unless you are on the fence about this very decision. Our strays regularly walked the fences of Philadelphia but rest assured they made it to their destination. Yeah, this is a shameless cat metaphor themed website, get used to it.
A full build will test your skillset, from woodworking to electronics this was hands down the most complicated “home” project that I haven taken on. It was hidden bookcase door levels of stepping out of my comfort zone paired with a whole new fear of low voltage electronics. In the end, I will confidently assure you that the resources are there for you to get this done.
A full build allows you to take your time and save the most amount of money while getting the virtual pinball machine that you want. Be warned, this is not a weekend job. This project took months with many intricate rewarding steps.
See below for my biggest tips as well as things that I learned along the way.
TheWayOfTheWrench was my guide for much of the project. I had decided on my design and the main components, but his guides helped me navigate the many complicated steps of the build process. His videos are clearly laid out and I highly recommend you watch them.
How to Build a Modern Virtual Pinball Machine, on a Budget.
Virtual Pinball Cabinet Building: Displays
Facebook Marketplace, Secondipity and Amazon Warehouse are cabinet builders best friends. Buy used when you can, avoid eBay.
Displays – Buy used when you can, avoid eBay.
Between shady model # swaps and expensive shipping options. Stay local for the backbox and use a reputable site for the playfield.

Playfield: 42-43" 4k 120hz
Update: Since posting this my 43″ X85J kicked the bucket. I went into hyper drive research and even had two of the top choices in my cabinet testing them as side by side as can be. Because of this, I decided to create a separate page discussing the playfield choice that I made and why.
Click the below link to visit that section of the website
Very unnecessary
Someone bought me the topper hardware for Christmas, otherwise I would likely have did without one. Toppers are cool but completely unnecessary as they don’t serve any functional purpose during gameplay. They look great as an unecessary addition to your virtual pinball machine though!
I am running this 1920×515 display, it has a solid build quality and the image is clear.
BackBox: 32" 1080P
Recommendation: Any used 32″ 1080p
Once again, these are deals that you have to be patient on. Instead of searching for “32 inch 1080p” tv, search for all 32″ tvs and pay attention to the model number. If the model number isn’t listed just ask! Often sellers are looking to dump these smaller TVs as they are not in high demand.
HD Matrix
Cool Addition
I upgraded to a HD Matrix for my LED DOF configuration. These LED effects are far from necessary but in my opinion truly add to the immersion and excitement of the game. There are SD and HD matrix’s available, the above image is a snippit from my HD matrix. The dense LED matrix allows for some awesome custom graphics. The Virtual Pinball Custom LED Effects (VPCLE) group on Facebook is run by the creators of HD Matrix Displays. I strongly suggest that you join that group. Say hi and tell ’em TheCraftyCatsman sent you!
DMD - Full DMD
Recommendation: 1920×1080 15.6″
Click for the screen, other component links listed separately.
Purists will say go with a real DMD for the virtual pinball machine while modernists will swear by a full DMD. In my opinion it is better to use a full 1920x1080p DMD screen. Full screen DMDs can replicate the dimensions of a real DMD but a real DMD can never go full screen. Real DMDs will look more authentic but I don’t think that detail is worth the sacrifice. TerryRed (and others) have developed some beautiful games that utilize a full screen DMD.
Gaming PC: AMD Ryzen - R5-5600X / RX 6700XT minimum
Recommendation: Play used roulette
I had quite the adventure buying a PC for my virtual pinball machine. I decided to go used via Amazon warehouse. The first PC was shipped without a GPU inside of it! Amazon of course took the unit back, they have always been fantastic about returns and so I was never really concerned.
Virtual Pinball has evolved dramatically and newer creations are power hungry graphic gobbling monsters. There is a significant difference between Attack from Mars and Future Pinball’s Star Wars. Let’s be clear, both are extremely fun in their own right but they both have very different CPU and GPU demands. In fact, while the GPU is critical in the decision making process a good modern CPU is equally as important. That is because as of the time of this writing (05/24/2023) virtual pinball runs off of a single core. Modern CPUs optimize things better and it can make a difference in performance.
My RX 6700XT has held up well to four screens and pup packs but even it groans when all of the star wars lights are flashing with tie fighters flying above. In my opinion, you might be able to get away with a RTX 3060 paired with an i5 but.
The tip here is to wait until PCs go on sale, then go to either Amazon Warehouse (used) or Best Buy open box and get an even deeper discount. When you get the PC run some free stress tests and make sure that the PC is performing to spec. This is a quick and easy way to shave hundreds of dollars off of the price of a very necessary component. Click this card to see a PC that I recommend (I paid $800 used, prices swing significantly on Amazon).
I said it before but I will say it again, clicking these links supports the site. I get a small commission from anything that you purchase from Amazon for a set period of time after clicking a link. This is just how it is, if you aren’t giving the % to me then you are giving it to another site that you were on recently. Clicks support the content and the updating of content.
How to Build a Modern Virtual Pinball Machine, on a Budget.
Virtual Pinball Cabinet Building: Surround Sound Feedback
If you’re asking yourself, what is Surround Sound Feedback (SSF)? I am here to tell you that there is nothing more satisfying on my virtual pinball machine. SSF gives you all the joy of localized sounds, including the ball roll. SSF is made up of a few components and not all of them are necessary. I have summarized the main components and my opinion of them below. Click the cards to see the current price on Amazon.
BackBox Speakers - necessary
Recommendation: Logitech Z407
Backbox Speakers are a necessity. The Logitech Z407s are great for cabinets because of the down firing subwoofer and the wireless volume controls. It’s recommended to cut a hole in the bottom of the cabinet to help port out the bass and enhance sound.
Click the picture to see the current price of the Logitech Z407 speakers. Pay attention to the Amazon Warehouse price. They regularly show up used on Amazon and I have seen them for $70. Avoid paying full price for these.
Exciters - a must have
Recommendation: Dayton Audio DAEX32QMB-4
Equally cool, SSF provides ball rolling sounds. The sound of a pinball shooting down a metal track, even the ball draining through the bottom and back to the launcher all have very realistic localized sounds.
I went with four (4) Dayton Audio DAEX32QMB-4’s for my virtual pinball machine. The adhesive backing forms a tighter bond than the screw in type and I have no issues with them falling off.
Click the picture to see the current price of an Exciter on Amazon
Bass Shakers - a great addition
Recommendation: Dayton Audio BST-1
Bass shakers are an additional component of SSF but are not exactly required. My virtual pinball machine did not have them for the first few weeks and so I objectively had the opportunity to test my cabinet with and without bass shakers. Initially, I thought bass shakers were overrated but it quickly became apparrent that two (2) bass shakers made a world of a difference in the cabinet.
Paired with the app Thump, a full SSF setup very satisfyingly mimmicks the real feel of pinball.
Click the picture to see the current price of a Bass Shaker on Amazon
Insert video of TheWayOfTheWrench SSF.
7.1 Sound Card
Recommendation: StarTech 7.1 USB Sound Card
I tried my hardest to find a gaming PC with a 7.1 sound card. The PC I bought showed a stock photo of a 7.1 card butt when it arrived it was only 2.1. This is typical and do not worry. If your PC is not 7.1 then this StarTech 7.1 USB soundcard will do the trick.
Click the picture to see the current price on Amazon
How to Build a Modern Virtual Pinball Machine, on a Budget.
Building a Virtual Pinball Machine: Programming Tips
A lot has changed and 2023 is the year of all in one installers. Click any of the cards below to be directed to the right place.
Be a Baller, use Baller installer
Virtual Pinballs all in one installer
Baller Installer installs your necessary Virtual Pinball programs, like Future Pinball and Visual Pinball.
EQ APO to make everytyhing SSF work
Necessary for PinVol and Thump
PinVol for fine tuning your SSF
Love MJR and his hard work on this hobby
Use VPForums and VPUniverse
Search VPForums and VPUniverse for help with virtually anything. Do extensive searching before posting a question as many common issues have been discussed to exhaustion.
Thump for Realistic feel
Recommendation: Dayton Audio BST-1
Thump made a world of a difference, especially for the bumpers.
Phone a Friend
Need a Jumpstart?
Answers to the questions that you have can almost always be found through searching the forums, facebook groups and discord chats. However, if you are pressed for time and need a jumpstart – I am offering programming tutorials and instruction. This 1:1 time will help get you over your hurdles as quickly as possible.
Email: to schedule some time to talk.
How to Build a Modern Virtual Pinball Machine, on a Budget.
Virtual Pinball Machine Building: Lessons Learned
Here are some quick tips that I gathered along the way. In my opinion, these reflect virtual cabinet building in 2023.

Widebody is the way
Plans are available for widebody and standard body machines. If the slight difference in space isn’t a concern then go for widebody. You can fit a 43″ playfield and the bigger size allows for more room for equipment.

6.3v is overrated
I was led down the purist path of 6.3v for the incandescent lighting. I purchased step down converters and all of the necessary equipment to make it work. There are some shady warnings from manufacturers about this process that just doesn’t sit right with me.
I ran tests with friends and family and every single one of them thought 6.3v was too bright. They actually preferred the 5v output.
I have all of the wiring in my cab for 6.3v but no longer use it. Start with 5v from your power supply and see if you like it before buying the extra components to make 6.3v work.

Simplicity - Stick to Standards
You can order authentic cabinet parts for a standard or widebody cabinet. When you customize the size then you risk having to modify the authentic cabinet pieces.
I deviated from the widebody and TheWayOfTheWrench dimensions which caused some headache. I could have cut hours of work off if I stuck to the script.
Deviating is fun, heck I have yet to see a table that looks like mine and I love that. Just know what you are getting into before you make that decision.

Some cabinet designs call for a lot of front facing buttons. I limited mine to three (3) on the left, two (2) coin door buttons and a launch ball button. All other buttons can be hidden inside of the cabinet or underneath.
Use Terminal Blocks
I learned a lot about terminal blocks from TheWayOfTheWrench. The ability to quickly disconnect wires was extremely helpful and kept things organized.
Thermaltake Smart 500W Power
The Thermaltake Smart power supply is an absolute steal at $35. It will supply your cabinet with plenty of power for SSF, Buttons and fans. Click here to see it on amazon
Sound Feedback (SSF) over solenoids
This is purely subjective and is a frequent debate on forums. From my research, solenoids were better before the advancements in SSF. SSF has made strides. Also, solenoids add a later of complexity to the build that I didn’t want to take on.

All of my head banging problems were solved after I step back and reread some of the wonderful guides online. The information is there and it is exceptionally rare for you to have an issue that has yet to be covered. The forums are a treasure trove of information, use it.
How to Build a Modern Virtual Pinball Machine, on a Budget.
Virtual Pinball Machine Building: My Build
Here are some pics, tips and tricks for different parts of my build.
Virtual Pinball Machine – Reclaimed wood cabinet

My cabinet uses 22/32 plywood at the core. I then layered with 2/32″ reclaimed wood to create the aesthetic exterior. The wood was thinned down from much thicker boards using a combination of circular saw, hack saw and a planer. The 2/32″ boards were then glued and nailed using copper nails.
This fit the design of my speakeasy arcade.
Full Size DMD using speaker fabric and reclaimed wood.

The full size DMD screen has a plywood backing which is then layered with 2/32″ reclaimed wood. The speaker cutouts were made using speaker fabric that I bought off amazon. Navigate through the pictures below to see the different stages of the full DMD build.
How to Build a Modern Virtual Pinball Machine, on a Budget.
They are like family, just family that also loves Virtual Pinball
I have found Facebook groups to be the most responsive and helpful. There are hundreds of active users all trading tips and tricks. Below are some of my favorite. Join, introduce yourself and tell ’em Crafty sent ya (it will put a smile on my face).
**Man Cave United | Arcades, Dens, Hobby Nooks ** New! We just created a facebook group dedicated to sharing ideas tips and inspiration for your space. This is not specifically about virtual pinball, I will leave that to the three groups below. But, I encourage you to join and be part of the discussion. Stop by, we may be giving some stuff away in the near future 🙂
Virtual Pinball Custom LED Effects
Next Up.
Bar Arcade Speakeasy
Click Below to access my free series on how we converted an unfinished portion of our basement into a speakeasy bar arcade. All for less than the cost of what a contractor was going to charge to put up the studs!
Next Up: Secret Bookcase Door
My First true love, the secret bookcase door. Prior to building the virtual pinball cabinet this project was my most research and most feared. Click the picture above to learn how to build your own!

Follow on instagram: @thecraftycatsman