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History of the Chisel (and some FAQ)

???? Discover the chisel’s rich history, uses, and types. Unearth its timeless role in woodworking, sculpting, and shaping our world with precision! ????

Cat holding a wooden sign that reads: The History of The Chisel

The History of the Chisel



The chisel, a simple yet incredibly versatile hand tool, has been a mainstay in the world of woodworking, sculpting, and craftsmanship for thousands of years. Its ability to carve, shape, and refine a variety of materials has made the chisel an essential tool for artisans and professionals alike. In this blog post, we will delve into the history, types, and applications of the chisel, along with some historical facts.

The History of the Chisel

Chisel Origination

The chisel’s origins date back to ancient civilizations, with evidence of chisel use in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Rome. These early chisels were made from materials such as stone, bronze, and iron, and were used for woodworking, stone carving, and metalworking.

One of the great creations in Rome that utilized chisels was the monumental Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheater. Built in the first century AD, the Colosseum was a marvel of ancient engineering and construction, with a seating capacity of up to 80,000 spectators. Chisels were used extensively in the construction of the Colosseum to shape the stone blocks used in the facade, arches, and vaults. The precision and skill required to shape these massive stone blocks with chisels is a testament to the incredible craftsmanship of the Roman builders who created this enduring masterpiece of architecture.

This is a cat themed woodworking website and we would be doing a disservice if we failed to mention that ancient Egyptians would use chisels to create cat statues, which were often made as offerings to the goddess Bastet, who was associated with protection, fertility, and motherhood. Cats were highly revered in ancient Egypt, and the art of cat carving reached its peak during the New Kingdom period (1550-1070 BCE). Skilled Egyptian craftsmen used chisels to carve intricate details into the stone, creating lifelike representations of cats that ranged from small figurines to large statues. 

Over time, the design and materials of chisels have evolved, with steel becoming the standard for chisel blades and various handle materials such as wood, plastic, and rubber being used for improved grip and comfort.

Image of two chisels and a wooden object

The History of the Chisel

Types of Chisels

  1. Wood Chisel: Designed for woodworking, wood chisels have beveled edges and come in various sizes and blade shapes for different tasks, such as carving, shaping, and paring wood.
  2. Cold Chisel: Made for cutting and shaping metal, cold chisels have a flat cutting edge and are typically made from hardened steel.
  3. Masonry Chisel: Used for cutting and shaping brick, stone, and concrete, masonry chisels have a flat or pointed cutting edge and are often used with a mallet or hammer.
  4. Sculptor’s Chisel: Designed for detailed carving and sculpting in wood, stone, or other materials, sculptor’s chisels come in a variety of shapes and sizes to achieve different effects.

Mini Chisels

The History of the Chisel

Chisel Applications

As mentioned above (the Egyptians) the Chisel is used for much more than woodworking.

  1. Woodworking: Crafting wooden furniture, cabinetry, and other items by carving, shaping, and joining wood pieces.
  2. Stone Carving: Creating intricate sculptures, architectural elements, and decorative objects by chiseling and shaping stone.
  3. Masonry Work: Cutting and shaping bricks, stones, and concrete for construction and repair projects.
  4. Metalworking: Shaping and refining metal objects, such as tools, hardware, and decorative items, using cold chisels.
  5. DIY Projects: From creating custom wood carvings to repairing furniture and other household items, the chisel is a useful tool for many home improvement tasks.

The History of the Chisel

Modern Chisels Saws

Modern woodworking chisels are typically made from high-quality carbon steel or tool steel and feature a sharp, durable edge that can withstand heavy use. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, each designed for specific tasks such as paring, mortising, or carving. Some chisels have a beveled edge to prevent binding, while others have a flat edge for precise cuts. Many chisels also feature ergonomic handles for improved grip and comfort during use.

Modern Chisels

The History of the Chisel


The chisel’s rich history and wide range of applications make it a valuable tool in the realms of woodworking, sculpture, and craftsmanship. It’s a diverse tool and even the most inexpensive versions of chisels are great additions to a workshop. I am guilty of using them for unintended purposes (what, they make great crowbars in a pinch. We love beating these up). That being said, craftsman can spend hundreds of dollars on high quality long lasting Chisels. 

Chisel FAQ

1. Question: What are the main types of woodworking chisels?

Answer: The main types of woodworking chisels include bench chisels, mortise chisels, paring chisels, dovetail chisels, and carving chisels.

2. Question: What is the best material for chisel blades?

Answer: High-quality chisel blades are typically made of high-carbon steel or chromium-vanadium alloy steel, known for their durability and edge retention.

3. Question: How do I sharpen a chisel?

Answer: To sharpen a chisel, use a sharpening stone or a honing guide, starting with a coarse grit and progressing to finer grits for a razor-sharp edge.

4. Question: How do I choose the right chisel size for my project?

Answer: Choose a chisel size that matches the width of the cut or joint you need to create, ensuring better control and accuracy in your woodworking tasks.

5. Question: What is the difference between beveled-edge and square-edge chisels?

Answer: Beveled-edge chisels have angled sides for easier access to tight spaces, while square-edge chisels have flat sides, offering more force for heavy-duty tasks.

6. Question: How do I maintain and care for my chisels?

Answer: Regularly clean, sharpen, and store your chisels in a dry, safe place to prolong their lifespan and maintain optimal performance.

7. Question: What are the essential chisels for a beginner woodworker?

Answer: What are the essential chisels for a beginner woodworker? Answer: A beginner woodworker should start with a set of bench chisels in various widths, a paring chisel, and a mortise chisel for a versatile foundation.

8. Question: How do I hold a chisel correctly for woodworking?

Answer: Hold the chisel handle with your dominant hand, while your other hand rests on the blade for stability and control during cutting or paring tasks.

9. Question: What safety precautions should I take when using a chisel?

Answer: Wear safety glasses, use a mallet or hammer suitable for chisel work, and always chisel away from your body to minimize the risk of injury.

10. Question: How often should I sharpen my woodworking chisels?

Answer: Sharpen your chisels as needed, depending on usage and the type of wood you’re working with. Regular sharpening ensures efficient cutting and precision.

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Chisel knowledge have you jazzed up and ready to build? Check out the speakeasy and get started on a project today!

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